A Sincere Thank You from all of Us at Greene Point Marina & Mobile Home Park
On June 10th we were hit by winds clocked at 108 mph. When the dust settled and we were able to assess the damage, it was unbelievable. Trailers tipped over, several smashed to pieces, huge trees uprooted everywhere and damage to a lot of things...Almost at once help arrived, Fred Goodnough sent heavy equipment, generators, and Dean, Don, Denton & Greg to cut and haul trees; Bob Goodnough also came from Pulaski, along with our campers; Pam, Steve, Marty, Bruce, Jim, Barry & Mike who came with chain saws and Generators, with everyone's help plus many more who showed up from within the park, Gerry, Jody & Dick; plus many more that were helping clean up that we didn't even know of, the Point began to not ressemble a "War Zone ". To Sherry, Erica, Amy & Paula who helped cook food and brought food, passed out food...You were all such a big help.
If we have forgotten anyone's name this thank you is to everyone, with the efforts of all our family and friends; Larry, Aaron, Marge, Carly, David, Ben & Ritchie we wouldn't have been able to recover as quickly. Our sincere thanks goes out to all who helped us.
Even though this was such devastation to our point, it was overwhelming to see everyone pull together and help each other put our point back together for all of us to enjoy for many more years.
Linda, Cheryl, Brian and Cathy